Greetings from the Director:
These last few years have been a period of major change for myself as a potter, and for the OkiDoki Studio as well. It has been a long road and I want to give you a sense of my history with it, and also share some wonderful new developments of late.
On a personal level, I took my first pottery class over 40 years ago, and maintained a studio in NYC while pursuing a corporate career. During those years I did raku firings on weekends in upstate NY and sold all my work through A Show of Hands Gallery, an upper-west side Manhattan institution for fine crafts.
Upon retirement, we moved to Clermont (between Rhinebeck and the city of Hudson). I quickly built a gas kiln for myself, a twin to the Peter’s Valley soda kiln, but then promptly fell in love with wood-fired work. I did the migrant stoker thing for several years, including several long stays in Japan to fire with John Dix, as well as workshops locally, before I bit the bullet and had my own anagama built.
The next ten years of Anagama workshops led by myself, and many others, resulted in the evolution of a core team of 8 people that lived in our home for 2 weeks during firing and unloading, joined on occasion by invited stokers from Japan, Australia, Canada as well as Workshop Leaders. Hosting those enjoyable, but demanding, endeavors at our house came to a clear end due to Covid. Looking back, during the quiet of the quarantine, it became clear to me that my focus on my own work suffered with the effort of trying to be a full blown live-in facility.
Next Phase ! What’s New:
In 2019, in an effort to make a more intimate, quieter wood firing experience possible, I had a small Train kiln built that can be fired by as few as two people in a few days. Anagama firings will continue but in a new format as commuter firings for those nearby, while those from a distance will be helped to find housing and prepared food in the area. The Hudson Valley is truly a wonderland of B&B’s and farm-to-table dining, and options at all prices abound between Hudson and Rhinebeck’s many establishments!
But lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I am delighted to announce the establishment of the new Oki Doki Studio Program Manager and Workshop leader position, capably filled by Andrew Sartorius, a skilled potter and wood-fire expert who has quickly evolved to be a good friend, and a wonderful collaborator. He will now create and personally lead an expanded Program of firings in all three kilns, with occasional guest Workshop Leaders. He will select and direct a rotating cadre of Studio Assistants who will help with preparation of wood harvested from the property, kiln maintenance, and workshop assistance. I look forward to seeing what Andrew will create and hope you will join us in this new incarnation of the Oki Doki family of kilns!
See you all kiln-side!
Susan Kotulak, Director
@sumonodesign on instagram.